illustration by Bret Syfert
One of my goals this year is
to write more. Lots more. Like finish at
least my current novel and this blog project more. As I mentioned before it
is incredibly hard to make myself stick to this. I am uninspired to
write on demand, which is something that needs to change, because I fully
intend to make at least a partial living from writing. As
with all things, I am sure that continued practice will make things easier.
My PBP topic
this week is Death. I claim no certainties, only my own thoughts and musings on
the subject.
I believe death to be a transition. A
doorway leading to somewhere else—somewhere unknowable to those currently
living. I do not think that it is the end of anything but this current
flesh-bound incarnation.
I definitely think that Pierre Teilhard de Chardin had it right when he said that
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
I recently had a discussion with a friend about death and we
found that we feel the same way—that it is not death itself we fear, but the
manner in which it is achieved. I worry only about the manner of dying rather
than being dead. I am unconcerned about what comes after.
I do not know if Asimov actually said this following quote. I saw it attributed to several people. The quote itself is what matters though, rather than who said it.
I do not know if Asimov actually said this following quote. I saw it attributed to several people. The quote itself is what matters though, rather than who said it.
taken from
I do not believe
in the Christian concept of Heaven or Hell.
I do not believe that this life is all that there is and then an
eternity is spent paying for sins or being rewarded for graces. (Have you ever
noticed that there are many texts, thoughts, and ideas on what happens to a
soul in Hell, but very little on what may happen in Heaven? I think that is
interesting.) The same goes for Valhalla, the Elysian Fields, Hades, Tartarus, the
Summerlands, and any others. I'd like to believe in some of them, but I just
don't. I do believe in reincarnation, but I haven't gotten it all worked out in
my head how it works. Although, I don't need to have it figured out to believe
in it.
But really, that
last deals more with the afterlife and I want to focus more on death the event
the transition. Actually, I don't want to focus on anything about it, but that’s
my uninspired self throwing a mini tantrum. I'm ignoring it.
The part of
death that hurts the most is losing others. So much family gone before I was
old enough and smart enough to really get to know them. Others gone before we
wanted them to be. That is what hurts about death.
It's part of why
ancestor worship interests me. I have read that people regularly commune with their
honored dead and have conversations with them. I have no way of knowing whether
they really do, but it would be neat if that were possible. I would dearly love
to be able to talk to my Great Grama Johnson. She was an incredible woman.
Sadly, she died when I was just a child.
There is so much I could learn from her, skills that have been lost to
time and ennui.
I have begun to
ramble (begun? Hell this whole post is a ramble) time to go.
To sum up. I do not think death is a full stop end. I
think it is a transition to whatever unknowable stage comes next for our soul.
Since I believe
in reincarnation, I think we must have all experienced death already many times
and taken our rest and slid back into the flesh again for another lesson.
It's already
Tuesday as I write this, I should pick an E word and start immediately on that
post. Perhaps I could even have it posted on Friday when it is actually due.